How to Consign
Basically, bring in your merchandise during our Business Hours! You can bring in a completed Vendor Intake Form with you, or we can fill it out together. But here’s everything you need to know:
1) There is no upfront fee to the consignor and no restrictions on the number of items consigned or how long they stay on the sale floor. Consignors are free to offer similar items for sale through other outlets.
2) 60% of the price of items sold will be remitted to the consignor by check before the 10th day of the following month. 40% will stay with the Shop. The tag price on the intake form is considered a contract between the Shop and the consignor, so no prices will be negotiated on the shop floor. No price reductions will be made without express written consent of the consignor. (NOTE: checks will not be printed for less than $5.00. They will be available for pickup in the shop the week following the first weekend of the new month. Those not picked up will be mailed.)
3) All merchandise should contain a significant amount of handcrafted work. It does NOT need to be the work of the person consigning the item.
4) The Shop is the final authority on what merchandise will be accepted, how merchandise will be displayed, and when the Shop is open.
5) Nothing edible or perishable will be accepted for consignment.
6) Any copyright or trademark/trade dress issues arising from the use of published or licensed patterns or materials are between the consignor and the pattern source.
7) Before someone’s annual payout reaches $600 (i.e., after sales in a calendar year of $1,000), the Shop will require completion of a W-9 form.